presented by:
Caroline McKeon, Rosetta and Sarah Hu, Razorfish
Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Location: UC-19
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Search Engine Marketing 101
How does SEM fit into marketing mix?
• Because SEM is still a relatively new technology, companies often overlook the value it can add to their overall marketing programs. However, they are slowly starting to realize how targeted SEM is, and are willing to invest more funds in it!
• Business media mix can include display/SEM, print, social media, and TV.
What is SEM/Pay per Click?
• A method of advertising on the web by bidding on the terms and purchases that define one’s product or services. If the bid is accepted, the advertisement will be displayed in the sponsored listing portion of the SE result page.
Why invest in SEM?
• Targeting: Ads are shown only to people who want your product/service
• Messaging: Relevant to queries; ability to quickly update based on performance
• Redirecting: specific landing pages based on their search; leads to higher conversions
• ROI: only pay for ads when consumers click; higher conversion rates due to targeted copy; landing pages; better return on investment
• Feedback: know what consumers deem attractive based on ad copy performance; view user’s search queries to determine search behavior; react quickly to change promotions
• Positioning: Display your ad at the top of the search results page; determine how consumers view your company when competitors are present
How does SEM work?
• Develop a list of keywords that users might search for
• Organize similar keywords into ad-groups
• Group like ad-groups together into a campaign to control the budget & set targeting options
• Keywords / Text Ads / Landing Pages
• Keyword bid + Relevancy
Ad copy testing
• Helps identify the edge that will drive more qualified clicks and conversions from search engine traffic
• Advanced techniques, like dynamic keyword insertion, and strong calls to action help drive strong CTR’’s and often help reduce overall click costs
What do SEM associates actually do each week?
• Spend about 60% of the time dealing with client requests and only 40% on actual campaign optimizations
Why they love their jobs
• Client interaction at a very early stage
• Ability to control & spend millions of dollars by ourselves
• Seen as a “subject matter expert” by those around you, and get to field questions from all levels
• Because the industry is still small, you get to meet/know a lot of people
For speaker contact information please contact us mktsoc@stern.nyu.edu
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