OgilvyEarth - Hopenhagen
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Cope -> Hope:
-UN approached the advertising world to work on a climate change campaign
-Ogilvy Earth wanted to create a people's campaign
-Present a sense of hope, solution & optimism ---> new message
-Connect ecological problems to the economy (financial crisis 08-09)
-Collaborate with corporations and other NGOs
"When people lead, leaders follow":
-Make people care and build people-power ---> movement of the people
-Touch points: website, blog, Facebook, Twitter, celebrities
-Hopenhagen ambassador to report events live & blog -> voice representing the people
Results at a glance:
-6.2mm citizens from 200+ countries/territories
-54,497 Facebook fans
-350+ media partners
-Projected media value $350mm
-Projected 1B media impressions
-50+ countries reached
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